Electronic publication of articles is the most modern, fast and affordable way to familiarize domestic and world scientific community with their work, regardless of whether it is theoretical, methodological and represents the results of empirical research. The publication of articles in an electronic journal allows you to accurately identify their authorship, get feedback from other [...]


The Eurasian Union of Scientists brings to your attention a site on which scientific articles are published. This resource, first of all, will be useful to all those who defend their dissertations. 95% of our authors are: Applicants for a degree. 90% of these applicants are university professors who defend a candidate or doctoral degree. [...]


Chief Editor Doctor of Psychology, Professor Arkulin T.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation) Deputy chief editor Artafonov Vyacheslav Borisovich, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Law (Moscow, RF); Ignatyeva Irina Evgenievna, candidate of economic, teacher of the department of management (Moscow, RF); Executive editor Doctor of Psychology, Professor Karkushin [...]


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PUBLISH YOUR ARTICLE The Russian Citation Index (RSCI) is a bibliographic information and analytical database containing about nine million publications from six thousand journals published in Russia. Articles in RSCI journals, the best of which are published on the Web of Science platform as a separate database of the Russian Science Citation Index, allow expanding [...]


Answering the question of what an international research journal is, it is worth saying that the “Eurasian Union of Scientists” is one of the leading scientific journals. It presents information on modern developments in the largest scientific fields, which today are the most relevant. Publication in international scientific journals is a significant achievement, both for [...]


Many beginning authors are interested in how to write an article, the rules for its design. Different journals for publication have different rules for writing articles and requirements for their proper design, so they should be clarified in advance. We will consider the main ones that apply to the bulk of articles and scientific papers [...]

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OUR ACHIEVEMENTS Work experience more than 5 years Modern approach to the selection of publications, analytics Individual work with each author Work with the author continues until full confirmation of its publication in Scopus journal SCOPUS PUBLISHING Today, the requirements for the modern scientist are somewhat tightened. In order to obtain a scientific degree and [...]


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