Instructions for authors

For publication in the journal “The Eurasian Union of Scientists” previously unpublished scientific materials of undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, degree seekers, scientific and pedagogical workers, leading economists of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership are accepted. Manuscripts are accepted in Russian and English, presented in a scientific style with competent use of terminology.

The scientific direction of the journal is Multiscientific. Articles in all scientific areas are accepted for publication.

All articles that have been submitted to the editorial office for publication in The Eurasian Union of Scientists are subject to mandatory review and verification by the “Antiplagiarism” system. The decision of the experts and the Editorial Board to accept the manuscript for publication is sent to the authors in the official letter by e-mail.



Title page of the article

  1. Above the title of the article in the upper left corner, the author indicates the indexes of the article UDC and JEL.
  2. The title of the article should be concise (no more than 10–12 words), including terms that reflect the main content of the published research, without unnecessary general words.
  3. The title contains the initials and surname of the author (s), place of work (full name of the organization), city and country, ORCID of each author. If the author (s) does not have an ORCID, it is advisable to register in this system at, indicating in your account basic information about education and professional activity, as well as basic publications, incl. monographs and other publications. In the future, all publications that have DOI and ORCID will automatically go to the author’s office in this system, thus forming a scientific “portfolio” of the author. To expand professional contacts and increase interest in the author, it is advisable to give texts in English or in two (Russian and English) languages.
  4. Next, the Author’s resume (abstract) and keywords (requirements for the author’s resume and keywords, see below) are placed.
  5. After the data from points 2–4 in Russian, the same data is placed sequentially, in the same order, in Latin (transliteration or English): authors (in the transliteration of the names of the acting names adopted by the authors), affiliation – place of work (full name of the organization, city , country in English); author’s resume (Abstract), keywords in English.


The main body of the article

  1. The text of the article (including footnotes and notes) should be typed in Times New Roman. Interval – 1.5 (one and a half); justified alignment without hyphenation; paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm. When typing, use point size (font size): 14 – for the main text; 10 – for footnotes and notes.
  2. The language of the article should be scientific, comprehensible, the presentation of the material should be logical and consistent.
  3. The minimum size of the article (excluding the title, abstract, keywords, information about the authors and the list of references) is 4 thousand words. The optimal one is 6 thousand words.
  4. The text of a scientific article should be structured with the allocation of sections and subsections. The sections INTRODUCTION (first section at the beginning of the article) and CONCLUSIONS (last section of the main text) are mandatory. In the main part, the sections and subsections should reflect the essence of the logically constructed sections of the article (at the discretion of the author). Application for presentation of the results of the study of the structure of IMRAD (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions) is encouraged. For experimental studies, sections “Recommendations” and / or “Practical applications” may be added.
  5. INTRODUCTION is an immersion in a topic, an introductory part that precedes the scientific work itself. The novelty, relevance, scientific and practical significance of the topic, the degree of its elaboration, i.e. the substantiation of the choice of the research topic is given. A brief overview of the main literary sources, reflecting the achievements of both their own and other authors on the research topic, is given. It is desirable to include in the review the achievements of foreign and Russian scientists published in leading foreign and Russian journals, indexed in international citation databases. Here, the goals and objectives set by the author are formulated. If there is no separate section on the methods / methodology used in the study and the practical basis of the study, their description can also be included in the Introduction.
  6. The main part of the article describes what is stated in the INTRODUCTION, based on the purpose and objectives of the research, contains a description of the research results, their discussion with the attachment of illustrative material (figures, tables, diagrams, formulas, etc.). With a significant amount, it is desirable to divide the main text into sections / subsections for a better perception of the logic and content of the text.
  7. Mathematical formulas should be typed in the formula editor of Microsoft Word or in the MathType application.
  8. The Vancouver system is used for citation in the journal. Vancouver Citation Style is a consistent numerical style: references are numbered as they are cited in the text, tables and figures; links in the text are placed in square brackets: [1], [2] etc. If it is important to indicate a specific cited place in the source, pages are included in square brackets: [1, p. 34–36].
  9. 14. All abbreviations and reductions must be deciphered at their first mention in the text.
  10. CONCLUSIONS is a systematized result of the study. The main principle must be observed: come from particular to more general and important provisions. A typical mistake when writing conclusions is listing what has been done in the work and has already been described in the previous sections. It is necessary to state in a logical sequence the main conclusions of the results obtained, to indicate the possibility of their implementation into practice, to determine further prospects for work on the topic.
  11. If there is funding from external organizations (RSF, RFBR, Ministry of Education, etc.) of the project, within the framework of which the research was carried out, the section GRATITUDES is formed. In the same section, gratitude to specific persons can be expressed for their help in preparing the article. It is important to provide information on financing both for reporting on the project and for recording this data in scientometric systems. This clause must also be translated into English with the heading ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. When referring to a project funded by a scientific foundation (RFBR, RSF), ministry, department, organization, the full name of the funding organization and the project number, project year (in Russian and English) are indicated.
  12. The next item is the LIST of SOURCES (see below for the requirements for the LIST of SOURCES).
  13. Further, the INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS is given in Russian and English: name, patronymic and surname (in full), academic degree, position, place of work, city, country, email address. The full name and email address of the author for correspondence (Corresponding author) are indicated separately.
  14. A photo of the author (s) is published. Requirements for photography: clear, color, shoulder-length portrait, file size at least 400 kb.
  15. If there are 3 or more authors, the Contribution of the authors (Contribution) in Russian and English is indicated. For example:

Authors’ stated contributions:

  • Ivanova I.A. – statement of the problem, development of the concept of the article, critical analysis of literature.
  • Petrova R.A. – collection of statistical data, tabular and graphical presentation of results.
  • Sidorova A.A. – description of the results and the formation of conclusions of the study.


  1. THE AUTHOR’S SUMMARY (ANNOTATION) should give a clear idea of ​​what is stated in this article, what subject was studied, what is the purpose of the study, what is its relevance and scientific novelty, what methods were used, what results were obtained and conclusions were drawn.

ABSTRACT shows the distinctive features and advantages of the article. Due to the fact that ANNOTATION is used on the Internet and in databases, regardless of the full text of the article, it is important to avoid references in it to the list of references and your own, not generally recognized abbreviations, as well as insignificant general words, redundancy of the text.

  1. ANNOTATION is written without paragraphs and indents. The words subject, purpose, relevance, scientific novelty, methods, results, conclusions, recommendations are in bold.
  2. Compositionally, ANNOTATION can be built according to the IMRAD principle (INTRODUCTION, METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION):

Topic (Introduction) – relevance, goals and objectives of the study.

Methods – information about when, where, how the study was conducted; what methods and sources of information were used.

Results – main conclusions (specifics), research results.

Discussion – information about how the obtained result relates to the findings of other scientists; what are the research prospects, directions of further work, difficulties.

  1. When writing ANNOTATION, it is not recommended to use passive verbs, for example: researched, analyzed, given, proven. It is advisable to write the abstract in active voice on behalf of the authors.
  2. ANNOTATION should be presented in Russian and English.
  3. The length of the ANNOTATION should be at least 200–250 words. With a concise, informative text that sets out clearly and completely the main results of the research, an abstract of 150-190 words is allowed.

The following 10 points will help you in writing ANNOTATION:

  1. Start writing the abstract after you have completely completed the text of the article.
  2. Take the main goals / hypotheses and conclusions from the sections “Introduction” and “Conclusions”.
  3. Select key points from the “Methods” section, if there is one in the article.
  4. Identify the main findings in the Conclusions section. Use basic terms that reflect the content of the article.
  5. Combine the sentences and phrases selected in points 2-4 into one paragraph in the following sequence: introduction, research methods, research results and conclusions. Remove all meaningless, general, introductory words that do not affect the meaning of the presentation.
  6. Make sure the paragraph does not include:

– new information not presented in the article;

– undeciphered abbreviations or names of organizations;

– references to sources in the bibliography or citations;

– unimportant details of research methods.

  1. After you have removed all unnecessary information (item 6) and correctly assembled the sentences, make sure that the information is presented correctly (the following order is preferable: the purpose of the work, research methods, research results, main conclusions and assumptions about the further development of the research).
  2. Make sure the information in the abstract matches the information in your article.
  3. Ask a colleague to review your abstract for the correct interpretation of the content of the article.
  4. Check if your final annotation matches the accepted formatting standard for the magazine.

Now check your annotation for all the points listed above.

  1. After the ANNOTATION, the Key words are placed (in italics in bold).
  2. Keywords – individual words or phrases are used when indexing and searching for an article (by the Keywords field) in abstract and scientometric databases, so they should be laconic, as specific as possible, reflect the content and specifics of the manuscript, including reflected in ANNOTATIONS. The number of keywords is 8–12. Words with an abstract meaning or terms that may be used in other scientific disciplines should be avoided.
  3. A semicolon is placed between keywords and phrases; a full stop is not put at the end.
  4. Keywords are submitted to the Editorial Board in Russian and English (the English version (Keywords) is placed after the ABSTRACT in English).


  1. Figures and tables should be numbered with indication of their name and source in Russian and English. In figures, the signature is placed under the figure, for example:

Figure: 1. / Fig. 1. Signature in Russian / Signature in English

Source / Source: in Russian / in English.

In tables, the title is placed above, and the Source is placed below the table, for example:

Table 1

Table name in Russian / Table name in English



Source: in Russian / in English.

  1. Figures and tables must contain references in the text of the article in italics in brackets, for example: (Fig. 1), (Table 1).
  2. Figures and tables are provided with accompanying files in jpg, pdf format with a resolution of at least 250 dpi. It is allowed to provide tables and graphs in Excel format.
  3. For the English version of the article, which is posted on the journal’s website, it is necessary to send figures and tables with English words to the Editorial Board.
  4. Scanned versions of illustrations, tables and formulas are not accepted.
  5. Images of graphs and diagrams should be in color, because the magazine is full color.



The list of references should include all sources that are used in the text, by which you can check the reliability of the methods used, demonstrate awareness of the previous research achievements on the topic of the article and show the depth of your own research. The bibliography is also a tool for advancing scientific citation into international databases and an indicator of the author’s scientific outlook. The number of foreign sources in the list of references indicates the author’s awareness of the achievements of foreign colleagues, as well as the breadth of knowledge of the topic. The list of sources is submitted to the Editorial staff in Russian and English.

It is advisable, unless absolutely necessary, not to use sources published earlier than 3-5 years ago, and not to abuse self-citation, which should not exceed 20% of the total number of sources in the list of references.

It is desirable that the References should fully reflect the sources used by the authors and, as a rule, comprise at least 20 sources.

It is useful to know that the average reading list in foreign / international finance journals is 40 sources. It is also important that authors, when preparing a publication, take into account foreign research. In lists of literature, this can be demonstrated by the volume of at least 30–40% of foreign sources. Each source included in the References should be referenced in square brackets in the text of the article. It is also important that authors, when preparing a publication, take into account foreign research. In lists of literature, this can be demonstrated by the volume of at least 30–40% of foreign sources. Each source included in the References should be referenced in square brackets in the text of the article.

The list of references is made in accordance with the requirements of the “Vancouver style”. Sources are numbered according to the order of their mentioning in the text, and not alphabetically, regardless of the name and language of the source. To prepare a list of references in this system, you can use automatic systems for preparing a list of references (EndNote, Mendeley, etc.).

When compiling the List of References, it is necessary to carefully check the correctness of the bibliographic information of the cited sources, especially the output data of the articles used (name of the journal, year, number, pages) and include in the description of the DOI of the article, if any.

It is advisable to take the names of the authors and the titles of the articles directly from the primary sources, observing the sequence of the names of the authors in the article, as well as the title of the article in Russian and English. It is advisable to give all names of journals without abbreviations, observing their exact description.


anonymous sources (not having authorship), “gray”, inaccessible literature, as well as literature of an insignificant volume (0.5-1 page), including:

  • abstracts of conference reports, textbooks, teaching aids;
  • normative and legislative acts (regulations, laws, instructions, etc.);
  • dictionaries, encyclopedias, other reference books;
  • reports, summaries, notes, reports, minutes, statistical data.

All such sources are referenced by page in the text of the article, i.e. at the bottom of the page where they are mentioned, formatted as follows, for example:

1Website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. URL: (date of access: 20.02.2019).

There is no need to translate the Russian-language footnotes into English.

Conference reports can be included in the list of references only if the author is indicated, and they are available and found by search engines on the Internet – the URL and date of access are indicated.

When designing a list of sources, it is recommended to pay attention to the examples below, taking into account all the details (spacing, punctuation marks, capital letters, italics, etc.).

The example of an English-language article for a REFERENCES in Vancouver style with deciphering:

  1. Neyapti B. Fiscal decentralization and deficits: International evidence. European Journal of Political Economy. 2010;26(2):155–166. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2010.01.001


Surname and first name of the author (no comma between them). Article title (full stop). The title of the journal is in italics (full stop). Year (semicolon); without space is a digit denoting the Volume (Vol.); without a space in parentheses is the number denoting № (no.); colon; without space number of pages through the dash (period). DOI (no full stop).

At the end of each source, it is advisable to indicate the DOI (digital object identifier, the unique digital identifier of an article in the CrossRef system), if available.

In REFERENCES, at the end of the description of the Russian-language source or the Russian-language article, in parentheses, indicate the language of the source text, for example, (In Russ.), and then DOI, if available.


  1. Kanaev E.A., Rodosskaya M. ASEAN as the “driving force” of RCEP: The Japanese factor.Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual’nye problemy razvitiya.2016;(33):10-27. (In Russ.).
  2. Kuznetsov A.V. Foreign direct investment in East Asia: China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mongolia. Moscow: Knorus; 2018. 210 p. (In Russ.).
  3. Li C., Whalley J. How close is Asia already to being a trade bloc? Journal of Comparative Economics.2017;45(4):847-864. DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2016.08.001
  4. Li C., Wang J., Whalley J. Impact of mega trade deals on China: A computational general equilibrium analysis. Economic Modelling.2016;57:13-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.03.027
  5. Wethington O., Manning R.A. Shaping the Asia-Pacific Future: strengthening the institutional architecture for an open, rules-based economic order. Washington: The Atlantic Council; 2015. 40 p.



In the absence of an English version of the authors’ surnames in Russian-language sources, the BSI system is used to write them in REFERENCES in transliterated form. For transliteration, you can use the automatic Internet service configured for BSI.

The names of Russian-language journals in REFERENCES are given in transliteration, then an “equal” sign (=) is put and an English-language title is given. There is no need to translate the Russian title of the journal into English individually; you can only indicate the version of the title in English that is available on the English page of the website of this journal. If it is not there, you can use transliteration.

The titles of foreign journals and books should be left in the original both in the Russian-language List of Literature and in References.

If a book that has been translated from a foreign language original is cited, in References it is advisable to cite the original edition with an indication in brackets of the translated edition, that is also given in Latin according to the above rules. The rules of authors’ writing are preserved. To search for the original book, you can use the ANRI’s database of translated books at

It is advisable to indicate all authors in the description of the article. It is not allowed to change the order of authors in published sources. First, the author’s surname is written, then – the initials, without a comma between the last name, first name and patronymic, without a space between the name and patronymic.

The author is fully responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the data given in the manuscript of the article sent to the Editorial Board.

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