Answering the question of what an international scientific research journal is, it is worth saying that the "Eurasian Union of Scientists" is one of the leading scientific publications. It provides information about modern developments in the largest scientific areas that are most relevant today. Publication in international scientific journals is a significant achievement both for [...]

Main page

The publication of Eurasian Union of Scientists is affiliated with the «Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis and Psychological and Social Technologies», which is a leader in the development and promotion of training programs in the area of applied behavior analysis in Russia. The Institute implements behavioral training of basic and advanced levels for specialists in [...]

Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences.

Journal archive Deadline for submission of articles: until the 7th day of each month (inclusive) Release date of the online version: 15th day of each month Name of the journal: Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences. Journal series published: since 2021 Frequency: 12 times a year (monthly) ISSN: 2782-246X DOI: 10.31618 [...]

Compliance with I4OC standard

The I4OC open citation project was launched in 2017, which builds on collaboration between scientific periodical publishers, scientists and readers to provide access to the latest research information and citation data for articles posted in the open access. The I4OC standard is mandatory for publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science and is part [...]

ORCID in article metadata

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is open identifier of the author and researcher - an alphanumeric code that combines publication, community, research, and project data into one profile. The identifier allows you to confirm that the author belongs to the organization where he works. The journal “The Eurasian Union of Scientists” publishes manuscripts with [...]

Instructions for authors

For publication in the journal "The Eurasian Union of Scientists" previously unpublished scientific materials of undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, degree seekers, scientific and pedagogical workers, leading economists of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership are accepted. Manuscripts are accepted in Russian and English, presented in a scientific style with competent use of [...]

Borrowing and plagiarism

The Eurasian Union of Scientists adheres to an open access policy for articles published in its collections. The openness of scientific information allows you to keep abreast of new products, but there is a possibility that the publication will be used by third parties for personal purposes without designating its authorship and original source, in [...]

Open access policy

The Eurasian Union of Scientists supports availability of scientific information to students and undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral candidates, young and skilled scientists, representatives of the enterprises and the organizations who are interested in receiving the newest modern scientific knowledge of various directions and follow the development of modern science. The scientific publication follows open [...]

Ethics of Scientific Publications

The editorial board of the scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists” is guided in its work by the international ethical rules of scientific publications, including the rules of decency, confidentiality, supervision of publications, consideration of possible conflicts of interest, etc. In its work, the editors follow the recommendations of the Committee on the Ethics of [...]

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