Deadline for submission of articles: up to the 7th day of each month (inclusive)
Release date of the online version: 15th day of each month
Name of the journal: Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: pedagogical, psychological and philosophical sciences
Journal series published: since 2021
Frequency: 12 times a year (monthly).
ISSN: 2782-2443
DOI: 10.31618/2782-2443
Edition version (carrier): online (network) edition.
Publisher: LLC “Logic +”
Address: 198320, St. Petersburg, Krasnoe Selo Town, Geologicheskaya 44 Street, Building 1, Litera A
Current issue: Articles are accepted daily. To apply for the publication of our research, you must fill out the author’s form (link to the form) or send a letter to the editorial office of the journal’s website indicating the thematic series and attaching the text of the article, which must be formatted in accordance with the journal’s requirements. Articles in Russian and English are accepted for publication.
The journal is published with the assistance and support of the ANO “Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis and Psychological and Social Technologies” (Moscow).
Previously unpublished scientific articles in the following scientific areas are accepted for publication:
13.00.00 pedagogical sciences
19.00.00 psychological sciences
09.00.00 philosophical sciences
“Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: Pedagogical, psychological and philosophical sciences” is a periodical publication of scientific works of young specialists and experienced scientists in the area of pedagogy, psychology and philosophy. The journal accepts theoretical and practical studies of topical problems of these scientific sections for publication, as well as the historical aspects of development and formation with a deep analysis of famous personalities, causes and factors that gave a rise to the development of modern science. The authors of the articles are students (in co-authorship with their supervisors), research teams of research institutes and universities, applicants for the degree of PhD candidate of science. Practicing psychologists, teachers and trainers can also share valuable experience.
“Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: Pedagogical, psychological and philosophical sciences” has a number of advantages for publishers, this authoritative publication will supplement the bibliographic list of their own works when passing certification, defending a dissertation, and forming an annual report. By publishing works in peer-reviewed publications, the author improves his qualifications, acquires skills in a brief presentation of thoughts using specific terminology. The series includes questions: theory and history of pedagogy; modern teaching methods in classroom and distance education; theory and methodology of physical education of students of different ages; questions of general psychology; medical, social, legal and educational psychology; philosophical trends and directions from the origins of scientific knowledge to the present and many others that are associated with the sections of the journal.
“Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: pedagogical, psychological and philosophical sciences” has an ISSN code. The journal is indexed in the RSCI, Elibrary, Index Copernicus, publications are assigned a DOI identifier. The publication’s website contains an archive of previously published works, which are available on a permanent free basis. Articles are accepted for publication only after peer review by independent experts and checking for plagiarism.