Dear colleagues!
The international scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists” informs you about acceptance of articles for issue # 11/68.

Researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, graduate students, doctoral students and applicants for a scientific degree, undergraduates and students, as well as representatives of enterprises and organizations that are actively engaged in science and are ready to share the results of their research with the scientific environment are invited to publish.
Please note that the manuscripts submitted to the editorial board must be formatted in accordance with the requirements, contain relevant and reliable results that belong to the authors of the article. All materials are subject to peer reviewing and checking for plagiarism.
The editorial board of the journal is happy to answer any questions that arise and prepare the manuscript for printing within a strictly agreed timeframe.
Acceptance of questionnaires, texts of works | daily |
Payment and submission of a scanned check to the organizing committee (extended) | daily |
Publication of online version of the journal on the organization’s website | on the 15th day of each month |
Distribution of journal | on the 15th of each month |