The Eurasian Union of Scientists (EUS) is an organization whose activities contribute to the development of science in our country. One of the key directions in the EUS is the publication of articles. This allows you to share your work with others, get their knowledgeable opinion, and gain support for more in-depth research.

In addition, publication in the journal is compulsory for all scholars who wish to obtain an advanced degree. Our staff will be able to help you arrange it absolutely correctly. Further publication of the RSCI and the obligatory entry of your scientific work into other bibliographic databases of countries.

To publish an article in a journal means to carry out a large-scale preparatory work. Choose a relevant topic, write the text of the article in compliance with the established norms, go for a review. Dealing with this on your own is not easy. Therefore, it is better to do this with an experienced consultant who will warn about all possible difficulties.

The publication of scientific articles is also an important nuance in studying at a higher educational institution. Many students present their work to the scientific community for the sake of obtaining certain privileges and further career growth.

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