Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences.

Journal archive Deadline for submission of articles: until the 7th day of each month (inclusive) Release date of the online version: 15th day of each month Name of the journal: Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences. Journal series published: since 2021 Frequency: 12 times a year (monthly) ISSN: 2782-246X DOI: 10.31618 [...]

Borrowing and plagiarism

The Eurasian Union of Scientists adheres to an open access policy for articles published in its collections. The openness of scientific information allows you to keep abreast of new products, but there is a possibility that the publication will be used by third parties for personal purposes without designating its authorship and original source, in [...]

Objectives and thematic coverage

The Eurasian Union of Scientists acts as a link between scientists and readers, providing them with the opportunity to communicate and open access to information. The main goal of the journal is to publish high-quality and modern scientific data on economics, which will be available to a wide range of readers, useful for the development [...]


Many beginning authors are interested in how to write an article, the rules for its design. Different journals for publication have different rules for writing articles and requirements for their proper design, so they should be clarified in advance. We will consider the main ones that apply to the bulk of articles and scientific papers [...]

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