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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.6.77.998
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/09/16
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 77, Том: 6, Страницы в выпуске: 9-13
Автор: G.B. Issayeva
, AUPET University, Almaty
Автор: M.S. Ibraev
, AUPET University, Almaty
Автор: A.K. Koishybekova
, Zhetysu State University named by I. Zhansugurov, Almaty
Анотация: This report investigates this discipline that deals with natural and artificial systems. In the past few years there has been a lot of research on the application of swarm intelligence. A large number of algorithms have been used in different spheres of our life. In this paper we give an overview of this research area. We identify one of the algorithms of swarm intelligence systems and we show how it is used to solve problems. In other words, we present Bee Algorithms, a general framework in which most swarm intelligence algorithms can be placed. After that, we give an extensive solution of existing problem, discussing algorithm’s advantages and disadvantages. We conclude with an overview of future research directions that we consider important for the further development of this field.
Ключевые слова: swarm, contact,intelligence,source,natural,artificial,system,algorithm,research area,investigation,
Данные для цитирования: G.B. Issayeva M.S. Ibraev A.K. Koishybekova. SWARM INTELLIGENCE (9-13) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Технические науки. 2020/09/16; 77(6):9-13. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.6.77.998

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