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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.10.73.720
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/05/12
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 73, Том: 10, Страницы в выпуске: 4-6
Автор: Kurchinskaya-Grasso Natalia
, Grasso Law Firm, International Law Scholar, Italy – Russia
Анотация: The article analyzes and summarizes the legal mechanisms for protecting the rights of citizens and their property rights in the sphere of notaries in the Russian Federation, which arose in connection with the introduction of new digital technologies into its sphere, the creation of digital data storage and systematization centres, electronic exchange with structural divisions of various state bodies, and considers new types of notarial actions related directly to the electronic notary, such as certificate of the electronic and paper documents equivalence, it also addresses the problem of protecting personal data of individuals and legal entities when they apply for notarial actions, taking into account the use of digital technologies in the notary office.
Ключевые слова: notaries, notary,notarial activity,electronic notary,digital notary,unified information system of the notary,digital technologies,digital signature,electronic signature,personal data,
Данные для цитирования: Kurchinskaya-Grasso Natalia . GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL NOTARIES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (4-6) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Юридические науки. 2020/05/12; 73(10):4-6. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.10.73.720

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