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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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Науки и перечень статей вошедших в журнал:
DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.73.693
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/05/12
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 73, Том: 7, Страницы в выпуске: 30-36
Автор: Jakupova Dinara Yermekovna
1st year doctoral student, department of ET and SLG, Karaganda
Анотация: The article considers the essence and content of the program-target method, the content of the program. The author describes the sections and types of the target program, the principles of development and implementation of state programs. The issues of effective management of state programs are considered. The practical experience of evaluating the effectiveness of state programs in the most successful countries (Australia, France, South Korea, Canada, USA) is briefly presented based on this experience, the author concludes that it is necessary to Refine domestic state programs and further improve them.
Ключевые слова: state programs, target programming,program-target method,efficiency ,
Данные для цитирования: Jakupova Dinara Yermekovna . THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE RESEARCH EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF STATE PROGRAMS (30-36) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Экономические науки. 2020/05/12; 73(7):30-36. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.73.693

Список литературы: 1. Samofalova E. V. State regulation of the national economy: textbook. Moscow, 2007. – 77p. 2. Kochkarov R. A. Target programs: instrumental support. Moscow, 2007. - 28 p. 3. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2017 No. 790 "On the system of state planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan» 4. Belenchuk A. A. Efficiency of budget expenditures: approaches and comparisons // Scientific-research financial Institute. Financial magazine. 2010. no. 3. p. 31-44. 5. Baykov N. D. Organization and efficiency of production management/ N. D. Baykov F. M. Rusinov. - Moscow: Mysl, 2013. - 116 p. 6. http://rufincontrol.ru/article/332551/ 7. Afanasiev M. P., Shash N. N. Tools for evaluating the effectiveness of budget programs //Questions of state and municipal management, 2013, p. 48-69 8. Taubayev A., Kuttybai M., Saifullina Yu., Borisova E., Kabdybay A. Public-private partnership development in Kazakhstan: a case study based on international benchmarking// Economic Annals-XXI

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