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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.73.695
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/05/12
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 73, Том: 7, Страницы в выпуске: 44-48
Автор: Nikolova Marina Angelova
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics , Economic Academy "Dimitar A. Tsenov", Svishtov, Bulgaria
Автор: Velkovski Valeri Yordanov
Doctoral student in the Department of Agricultural Economics , Economic Academy "Dimitar A. Tsenov", Svishtov, Bulgaria
Анотация: Ownership of agricultural land in the Republic of Bulgaria is regulated in detail in the legislation, through regulations and norms that reflect different aspects of ownership. Owners of agricultural land can be different entities, but the use of agricultural land, the scale of agricultural activity, are directly related to the amount of ownership. The possession, use and management of agricultural land is accompanied by some problems that affect agricultural policy and its results to varying degrees.
Ключевые слова: agricultural land, property,Republic of Bulgaria,European Union,aspects,problems,strategy,agricultural sector,user,regulation,
Данные для цитирования: Nikolova Marina Angelova Velkovski Valeri Yordanov . SOME ASPECTS AND PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY OF AGRICULTURAL LAND IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA (44-48) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Экономические науки. 2020/05/12; 73(7):44-48. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.73.695

Список литературы: 1. Agricultural Report - 2019 the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry; 2. Law on inheritance in force since 30.04.1949, prom. DV. Issue 22 of January 29, 1949, ref. DV. 41 of 21 February 1949, amend. DV. issue 47 of 23 June 2009; 3. Farmers Support Act, prom. DV. 58 of 22 May 1998, amend. DV. Issue 79 of 10 July 1998, amend. DV. 21 of March 13, 2020; 4. Property Law, reflecting the denomination of 05.07.1999. Refresh DV. issue 92 of November 16, 1951, amend. DV. Issue 7 of January 19, 2018; 5. Ownership and Use of Agricultural Land Act, promulgated. DV. 17 of March 1, 1991, ref. DV. Issue 20 of March 12, 1991, Suppl. DV. Issue 61 of 2 August 2019; 6. Spatial Planning Act, in force since 31.03.2001, promulgated. DV. Issue 1 of 2 January 2001, amend. and ext. DV. 41 of 21 May 2019, Suppl. DV. issue 62 of 6 August 2019; 7. Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria; 8. Ordinance No. 3 of January 29, 1999. establishing and maintaining a register of farmers issued by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Agrarian Reform, prom. DV. Issue 10 of February 5, 1999, amend. and ext. DV. issue 14 of February 15, 2019; 9. Bakalova, V., 2019, Issues on “Free” Camping, Property and Law Magazine, Issue 8, p.37, Sofia, “Labor and Law”, ISSN 312-9473; 10. Boyanov, G., 2014, Property Law, Eighth Revised and Supplemented Edition, p.162-164, Avalon Publishing EOOD, Sofia, ISBN-978-954-9704-34-1; 11. Gerov, Al., Shaldupova, B., Ilova, V., Zlatinova, El., (2010), Legal Problems of the Territorial Development Act, p.57, ISBN-978-954-28-0721-9, published by SIBI , Sofia; 12. 12. Kurteva, S., 2019, Legal Regime of Lands from the Residual Land Fund, Property and Law Magazine, Issue 5, p.41, Sofia, Labor and Law IC, ISSN 312-9473; 13. Muleshkov, G., 2019, Legal Effect of the Decisions under Article 14, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Law on Ownership and Use of Agricultural Lands and the Plan of the Newly Formed Properties, Property and Law Magazine, Issue 13 .2, p.39, Sofia, Labor and Law IC, ISSN 312-9473; 14. Naydenov, B., 2019, Acquisition of agricultural lands by prescription, Property and Law Magazine, Issue 9, p.34, Sofia, Labor and Law IC, ISSN 312-9473; 15. Naydenov, N., Miteva, Al., Madjarova, St., Stoyanova, Z., Ecology and Sustainable Development, IM, Economy, Sofia, 2009, Page 141, ISBN: 978-954- 644-065 -05; 16. Nikolova, M., 2019 State of the Agricultural Land Market in the Republic of Bulgaria, Collection of Scientific Papers: State and Problems in Agricultural Management and Development, Tsenov AI - Svishtov, ISBN 978-954-23-1762 -3, p.270; 17. Nikolova, M., Linkova, M., Blazheva, B., Nenova, R., (2018), Agrarian Management, AI Tsenov, Svishtov, ISBN 978-954-23-1501-8, p.12 -13, p.105 and p.107; 18. http: // www.lex.bg/; 19. http: // www.mzh.government.bg/; 20. http: // www.ciela.net/.

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