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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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Науки и перечень статей вошедших в журнал:
DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.3.68.444
Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2019/12/11
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 68, Том: 3, Страницы в выпуске: 4-6
Автор: Khalilova N.
Ph.D, War College of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces,
Анотация: The paper is aimed to differentiate the alternatives of the twentieth century’s approaches and to use a new method. Students can discover the language by themselves with the help of Silent Way method. Colored wooden sticks called Cuisenaire Rods help students to use their imaginations and illustrate new items. By using the rods they can assimilate the structure and enhance their speaking skills
Ключевые слова: approach, method,Cuisenaire rods,Silent Way,structure,assimilation,
Данные для цитирования: Khalilova N. . THE SILENT WAY OF TEACHING ENGLISH (4-6) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Педагогические науки. 2019/12/11; 68(3):4-6. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.3.68.444

Список литературы: 1. A.N. Guru Prasad, Recent Pedagogical Approaches and Methodologies in English Language Teaching, IJELLH, International Journal of English Language, Volume II Issue I, 2014 2. Jack C. Richards and Theordore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language teaching, 2014 (Cambridge University Press) 3. http://www.educationalsolutions.com/calebgattegno-biography/ 4. Diane Larsen-Freeman, Language Teaching Method, Teacher’s Handbook for the Video Series, 1990, (Office of English Language Programs Material Branch)

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