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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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Дата публикации статьи в журнале: 2020/02/17
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: 70, Том: 5, Страницы в выпуске: 6-11
Автор: Aynur Gafarli
, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University ,
Анотация: The development of secondary school students' speech directly depends on the richness of their vocabulary. Purposeful organization of language classes plays an important role in listening to the word, interpreting it within the context, and using it more effectively in the right expression. These skills, which have already begun to be introduced in the elementary classes through simple working methods, continue to be used in the more intensive instruction process at the secondary school level. However, the vocabulary of the students is quite poor because the work being done in this direction is often based on theoretical knowledge of the lexical composition of the language, especially the meaning of the word. Naturally, this contributes to the poor development of their oral and written speech skills. Therefore, a prerequisite for the understanding and mastering of the semantics of the word in textual examples and works should be the prerequisite. Because, in addition to the original meanings of the word, that is, the understanding of the new meanings, the synonyms and the antonymes that they acquire within the context, have a powerful effect on the student's speech. This results in avoiding repeated repetitions in verbal and written speech, and in more colorful ways.The implementation of word-based learning in the learning process, based on student observations and considerations, also provides a methodological framework for the use of interactive methods in the creative and interesting organization of language classes. The article deals with what is known to be appropriate in 8th and 9th grades.
Ключевые слова: Azerbaijan language, teaching,vocabulary,speech culture,lexical-semantical features,mastering,
Данные для цитирования: Aynur Gafarli . THE OPPORTUNİTİES OF MASTERİNG THE LEXİCALSEMANTİC FEATURES OF THE WORD İN THE AZERBAİJANİ LANGUAGE LESSONS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS’ GRADE 8 AND 9TH (6-11) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. Педагогические науки. 2020/02/17; 70(5):6-11.

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