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ISSN: 2411-6467 (Print)
ISSN: 2413-9335 (Online)
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Науки и перечень статей вошедших в журнал:
DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.2.64.220
Дата публикации статьи в журнале:
Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: , Том: , Страницы в выпуске: -
Автор: Shaniyazov U.B., Mambetullaeva S.M.
, ,
Данные для цитирования: Shaniyazov U.B., Mambetullaeva S.M. . FEATURES OF PROCESSES OF REPRODUCTION OF POPULATIONS OF RODENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF SOUTHERN ARAL SEA AREA (28-29) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. PDF архив. ; ():-. 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2019.2.64.220

Shaniyazov Userbay Bukharbaevich

Karakalpak Center of prophylaxis

of quarantine and extrahazardous infections

of Ministry of health of

Republic of Uzbekistan

Mambetullaeva Svetlana Mirzamuratovna –

Doctor of biology science, professor,

Karakalpak scientific research

Institute of nature of science


Annotation. To the article the results of researches of processes of reproduction of populations of two types of rodents are driven in the conditions of Southern Aral Sea Area. Comparative analysis of population structure midday and large chick-weeds, showed some distinctions in character of ecological specialization of kinds that reflect the features of strategy of their population mechanisms of adaptation substantially. Both types of rodents prevail in the association of shallow mammals of the inspected territory.

Keywords: Southern Aral Sea Area, reproduction, population structure, mechanisms of adaptation.

The study of dynamics of population structure in space and in time is considered one of major tasks of modern ecology. As the most general scientific issue having and the primary applied value, determination of potential «ecological reserve» of populations of different types of shallow mammals is examined in the changing terms of habitat.

Small mammals, being the important component of natural ecosystems, are widely used as model objects in ecological researches, including those that affect the problems of anthropogenic transformations of environment. It is a numerous group of animals, that, by virtue of the position in the trophic chains of ecosystems, directly perceives pressure of one or another negative factors of environment on large territories and can be used for the indication of violation of environment.

In ecological researches principle of comparison of adaptation features of shallow mammals with different ecological specialization to the changing terms of environment is used widely enough [2, p. 200; 7, p. 332-344 and other]. A problem of study of population ecological mechanisms of adaptation of rodents to the terms of the anthropogenic pressing is most actual presently.

Studies were undertaken an on territory of North-western Kyzylkum (sublimity of Beltau, Janadarya, Akchadarya, Central Kyzylkum, Nukus sands), on Usturt and on the areas of oasis of lower Amudarya for period 2002-2018 years.

Rhombomus optimus is the deserted eurytopic kind, widely widespread in sands of Central Asia. This kind, being the basic base-line on a quantity rodent of the deserted zones, behaves to the number of animals having a large negative value in a national economy.

Reproduction of large chick-weed was studied by many researchers [1, c. 52-54; 5, c.125; 3, c. 28-29; 6, c. 491]. However in modern ecological terms question about intensity of reproduction, amount of broods and number of babies in the dung of chick-weeds requires more fresh information. The analysis of the collected materials shows that at the Kyzylkum population of large chick-weed in March-September months among the spending winter females of chick-weed caught by us the single did not meet, all he were pregnant or feeding.

It is set that the young females of the first brood of current year of birth usually participate in reproduction and bring one dung only. A size of dung is 3-4 babies. The young females of the second dung proceed to reproduction only next year. Depending on the state of abiotic factors (fallouts, temperature etc.) and forage factors the percent of propagative females hesitates on years and seasons. Among entrapped, the percent of propagative females made 40-45% in spring, in summer 20-25, by the autumn of 10-18%. The amount of embryos hesitates from 2 to 10.

Meriones meridianus is widely widespread in ridge sands copsy полукустарниками. Quantity her relatively high in мелкобугристых alluvial sands on periphery of oasis, and in uneven sands, on sandy ridges and on the takyr plains of the clay desert quantity her not high (5-6% hits, or on the average on 1 ha 3-4 youngs of wild animal).

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