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Название журнала: Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале, Выпуск: , Том: , Страницы в выпуске: -
Автор: Akhmedov Kh.T.
, ,
Данные для цитирования: Akhmedov Kh.T. . TEACHING COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS ON THE BASIS OF GROUP WORK (49-51) // Евразийский Союз Ученых — публикация научных статей в ежемесячном научном журнале. PDF архив. ; ():-.

Teaching communicative skills on the basis of group work

Akhmedova Kh.T.

Termez state University,Uzbekistan

Учить коммуникативной речи на основах работы с малыми группами Ахмедова Х.Т.

Термезский государственный университет,Узбекистан

Abstract: this article is about the methods of developing learners’ communicative skills in English by group work.

Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает методы развития коммуникативной речи, в обучение английского языка, на основах работы с малыми группами.

Key words: learners, foreign languages, communication, effect, oral speech, picture, intelligent, speaking, listening, culture, upbringing, instruction.

Ключевые слова: учащиеся, иностранные языки, коммуникация, эффективность, устная речь, картинки, разумный, разговор, слушание, культура, воспитание, инструкция.

First of all, choosing the method depends on the goal, characteristic, age, and contents of the lesson. The English teacher may choose from a wide range of methods such as conversation, presentation, re-telling, translation, etc. an EL teacher might also consider selecting from this range of methods. Both teachers and students try to be active during the lesson equally in modern teaching. Speaking, knowing, teaching and learning any subjects is acknowledged as a psychological motivation. Psychology is exactly searched the souls of teachers and students. The role of teacher and student in activities is learned by psychological theory. Thus, every teacher in teaching intents a few aims. There is no single learning approach or style that works for everyone. The important characteristics such as patience, humor, stamina, reliability and good communication skills are needed from teachers.

For the 1-2 class learners at school the EL is presented, practiced and learned through speaking and listening. For these learners’ effective classroom strategies are traditionally involved as using plays, songs, rhymes and stories with repeated language structures. One way to capture young children under 7-8 years’ attention and keep them engaged activities with lots of brightly colored visuals toys, puppets or objects to match the stories that a teacher tells or songs that a teacher sings. These can also help make the language comprehensible and can be used for follow-up activities, such as retelling stories or guessing games. Listening and drawing the pictures (animals) is a very effective method for teaching young children in the English classrooms. It is successful to move smoothly from one activity to another; one activity can be only for 5-10 minutes.

The goal of all early language education (1-4 form) should be to hook pupils when they are young and them interested in learning English for the rest of their lives .So the goals of English instruction for young learners should be to:1) make children feel competent and confident while learning English ;2) provide a safe ,entertaining, and educational environment: 3) create basis for life-long learning English. Communicative language teaching and learning (CLT/ CLL) can be interpreted in many different ways and used to describe a wide variety of classroom procedures because it refers to diverse set of rather general and uncontroversial principals. We sum principals pointed by J.C.Richards and basic characteristics of this approach.

Communicative approach is dominant one in teaching L 2 and FL instruction and it emphasizes that language is best learned by using the communicative meaning , rather than focusing on explicit learning grammar and vocabulary ,especially at schools. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in a language other than our own is anything but simple. Spoken language and written language differ in many significant ways. students need many of the critical thinking skills as emphasized in the three areas to be come proficient users of English. Critical thinking is an ongoing process in which all language learners must engage, regardless of their language proficiency levels. Critical thinking involves the use of information, experience, and world knowledge in ways which allow L2 learners to seek alternatives, make inferences, pose questions, and solve problems, there by signaling understanding in a variety of complex ways.

The following types of learning are associated with the Communicative Approach:

  1. Interactive Learning: this concept goes right to the heart of communication itself, stressing the dual roles of “receiver “and “sender “in any communicative situation. Learning through interaction is proposed as alternative to learning through repetition and habit formation. Interaction and negotiation of meaning are seen as central of learning through tasks that require attention to meaning, transfer of information, and pushed output. The concept of interactive learning entails to be a lot of pair and group work in the classroom, as well as genuine language input from the “real world “for meaningful communication.
  2. Learner-centered Learning: This kind of instruction involves the giving over of some “power” in the language learning process to the learners themselves. It also strives to allow for personal creativity and input from the learners, as well as taking into account their learning needs and objectives. Learners-centered curricula are designed by considering the needs and interests of, and process-oriented syllabuses which center on procedures tasks and content.
  3. Cooperative/ Collaborative Learning essentially involves students learning from each other in groups. It has been comprised as a way of encouraging communicative instruction in the classroom and is seen as a stretch of the procedures of CLT. It is viewed as a learner centered approach offering the advantages over teacher- fronted classroom methods, fostered competition rather than cooperation and favored majority of students. The concept of this type of learning stresses the “team” like natures of the classroom emphasizes cooperation as opposed to competition learners share information and try to achieve their learners in a group. Within this approach teacher teach students collaborative or social skills so that they can work together more effectively.
  4. Content-based learning as an instruction in which teaching is arranged around the content of information that students will acquire. It joins language learning to content/subject matter and engages them both concurrently. Special information provides natural content for language instruction. Language is seen as a tool or medium for acquiring knowledge about other things, instantly proving its usefulness. An important factor in this kind of learning is that the content itself determines what language items need to be mastered, not the other way around. When learners study math or science using English as the medium, they are more intrinsically motivated to learn more of the language.
  5. Task –based Learning: This type of learning proposes tasks as useful vehicles and instruction in FLT. This concept equates the idea of a “learning task” to a language learning technique in itself. This could be a problem solving activity or a project, but the task should have a clear objective, appropriate content, a working/application procedure, and a set range of outcomes. As learners work to complete a task, they have abundant opportunity to interact. during interaction they facilitate language acquisition, they get to listen to the language which may be beyond their present ability, but which may be assimilated into their knowledge of the target language for use at a later time.

As with content-based instruction, a task — based approach aims to provide learners with a natural content for language use. The methods which are used at college; analysis and reading the specialized texts, working with terms, problem-solving, clustering, grouping, matching. The most noticeable characteristics of the modern societies are growth and advancement in educational systems at speed. The outcome of this growth is changing the focus of educational systems from teachers to learners. In this forever changing world, people who can use abundant data in generating new ideas are favored above those who lack the ability to absorb information to create new ideas to solve problems. Therefore, the need for equipping learners with right thinking tools is urgent. It is imperative that people and especially students arrive equipped with the skills to question various points of view while maintaining respect for different opinions. Thinking abilities can be assumed as the most noticeable and effective element in an educational system. Critical thinking is not typically an intrinsic part of instruction at any level. The goal of critical thinking is providing an environment where students construct their own knowledge and take the responsibility for their own learning. Though writing-based activities can be great exercise for mind to develop reasoning skills, it is very important to develop learners critical thinking skills through various communicative activities. Word-problem activity can be built around almost any theme. According to L.V. Golish as matching, problem solving, grouping or group work can give some opportunities for being active by competing to each other in teaching process. So I think it will also be helpful for learners to get or learn the language, besides it also develops the learners’ knowledge on culture , upbringing, politeness, communicative skills as well as because while working in small groups learners should follow these rules: firstly they should listen to each other with great patience, every participant should be active and work on the task together with all group members, every one in group must help to someone who needs a help(if something is not clear) and every one should participate in evaluating process by giving or supporting his or hers own ideas. When you divide your learners into small groups it is also possible to choose the leader of the group, adviser, lecturer, and secretary who writes or makes notes everybody’s words or ideas devoted to the task. So when it is already decided that you will pass your lesson by using group work you should take into consideration that the seats of the learners should be in circle they should sit face to face to each other in order to see and listen to each other attentively. Every one should freely act or walk not disturbing another small group. Though there is some noise in using group work while discussing and sharing ideas with each other I really find it very useful and use during my classes.



  1. J.J.Jalolov Metodology of teaching English language, Tashkent, 2015, p.58
  2. Л.В.Голиш,Д.М.Файзуллаева.Педагогик технологияларни лойиҳалаштириш ва режалаштириш: Ўқув – услубий қўлланма.- Тошкент.: Иқтисодиёт, 2009.,стр.71-72.
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