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Dining in the history of man has always been the most significant factor affecting the state of his health. Today in the world there is a problem of inadequate intake of complete protein, vitamins and some minerals. Leading role in solving this problem has a food establishment on the basis of the integrated use of secondary products of milk processing and local herbs.

It is known that in the restaurant business establishments increased demand for dessert products. The technological process of production this group of products is consuming and multistage. One way to expand the range and increase of these products is total production technology development of semi high degree of readiness.

These semis are widely used in restaurants and catering enterprises in technology dessert products that will not only efficient use of raw materials, but also to expand the range of this group meals and significantly reduce the cost of their production [1,2,6].

The article aim is to develop technologies of protein-vegetable semi-finished products, the use of which will extend the range of dessert products in the restaurant business establishments, improve food and biological value, rational use of essential components of milk and herbal products.

We have the technology of protein-vegetable semi-finished products on the basis of milk whey for dessert product comprising: milk whey, sugar, guar kamed and herbal supplements (nettle, spores, clover, alfalfa) [3…5].

The main stages of the process a plant protein-vegetable semi-finished products on the basis of milk whey is: the reception and storage of raw materials; machining plant material; blanching vegetable materials; grind to puree the mass of plant material; prepared by mixing milk whey with sugar; connection serum-sugar mixture with vegetable puree; dry obtained composition; cooling; grinding into powder; adding guar kamed; packing and packaging; marking; storage and transporting.

Technological process of a protein-vegetable semi-finished products begins with operation of reception and storage of raw materials. The next stage of the process includes: machining plant material (inspection, washing, slicing); blanching plant material at a temperature of 85±2°C for (5·60) s; crushing her to mass puree and mix to serum-sugar mixture. For serum-sugar mixture prepared milk whey mixed with sugar until it dissolves. As the mixture is injected vegetable puree. Then thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.

The resulting mass is laid out on the deck, covered with parchment paper, a layer thickness of 0,5 mm. Then the deck is placed in a drying chamber in which a uniform flow across the width and height of the camera been reported air kaloryfernoyi installation of the 50%-term reticulation air. Weight dried over (90·60)s with airflow heated to 600С to a final moisture content is not more than 4%. With increasing temperature powder color is yellow-brown, due to the accumulation of reaction products melanoidynoutvorennya and caramelization.

After drying semi-finished products cooled to equalize moisture, to temperatures 10…120С.

After cooling the milk-vegetable composition crushed into powder and add guar kamed powder. The result is a powdery mass, which dissolves well in liquids.

Semi-finished products packaged in paper bags with an inner package of parchment capacity of 0,250, 0,500, 1,0 kg, labeled and sent to the restaurant business enterprises for the production of desserts and finishing preparations.

During storage of food raw materials and semi-finished products they occur various physical and chemical changes that affect the quality of the finished product, so the study of these changes in the developed semi-finished products storage is necessary.

In the study, semi-finished products kept in accordance with requirements for storage of dry milk products (at 18…20°С and humidity of 75%). Quality control of semi-finished products performed with the following parameters: organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological.

Samples of protein-vegetable semi-finished products stored in sealed paper bags. Danny researches and changing organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indexes semi-finished products storage are shown in table 1.

Table 1

Changing organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indexes protein-vegetable semi-finished products storage


Name performance

Characteristics of the performance after the end of the technological cycle Length of storage,

6 months

Length of storage,

12 months

1 2 3


Plantolact 1

Organoleptic indicators
Hotel exterior Homogeneous loose mass, white with cream shade Unchanged Unchanged
Consistency Loose, allowed easy availability of loose clumps Unchanged Unchanged
Taste and smell Taste nice, milky-sweet flavor with vegetable fillings, without foreign taste, smell clean, milky flavor with unexpressed vegetable fillings Unchanged Unchanged

Physical and chemical propeties

continuation table 1.

Weight fraction of dry materials, % 96,15 Unchanged Unchanged

Microbiological indicators

БГКП in 1 g Not found Not found Not found
Staph. aureus in 10 g Not found Not found Not found
Pathogenic microorganisms, includ.Salmonella

in 100 g


Not found


Not found


Not found

КМАFАМ in 1g, not more 4,1·10² 3,7·10² 2,6·10²
Number of moulds mushrooms in 1g, not more Not found Not found Not found

Plantolact 2

Organoleptic indicators

Hotel exterior Homogeneous loose mass, white with cream shade Unchanged Unchanged
Consistency Loose, allowed easy availability of loose clumps Unchanged Unchanged
Taste and smell Taste nice, milky-sweet flavor with vegetable fillings, without foreign taste, smell clean, milky flavor with unexpressed vegetable fillings Unchanged Unchanged

Physical and chemical propeties

Weight fraction of dry materials, % 96,57 Unchanged Unchanged

Microbiological indicators

БГКП in 1 g Not found Not found Not found
Staph. aureus in 10 g Not found Not found Not found
Pathogenic microorganisms, includ. Salmonella in 100 g  

Not found


Not found


Not found

КМАFАМ in 1g, not more 2,9·10² 2,1·10² 1,8·10²
Number of moulds mushrooms in 1g, not more Not found Not found Not found
Plantolact 3

continuation table 1.

Organoleptic indicators
Hotel exterior Homogeneous loose mass, white with cream shade Unchanged Unchanged
Consistency Loose, allowed easy availability of loose clumps Unchanged Unchanged
Taste and smell Taste nice, milky-sweet Unchanged Unchanged
flavor with vegetable fillings, without foreign taste, smell clean, milky flavor with unexpressed vegetable fillings

Physical and chemical propeties

Weight fraction of dry materials, % 96,24 Unchanged Unchanged

Microbiological indicators

БГКП in 1 g Not found Not found Not found
Staph. aureus in 10 g Not found Not found Not found
Pathogenic microorganisms, includ. Salmonella in 100 g  

Not found


Not found


Not found

КМАFАМ in 1g, not more 3,4·10² 3,1·10² 2,7·10²
Number of moulds mushrooms in 1g, not more Not found Not found Not found

Performance analysis in table 1 states that, subject to sanitary requirements of the production process and conformity of raw materials requirements documentation, the terms and conditions of controlled storage in microorganisms developed semi-finished products sanitary representative, opportunistic groups and pathogens were not found. Number of spoilage microorganisms and KMAFAM not exceed permissible levels in 12 months. In addition, the storage of the developed semi-finished products not revealed significant changes in the organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics. Found that after 12 months of storage semi-finished products preserves taste, smell and uniformity and flow ability, solids content does not change.

Thus, on the basis of these studies can be recommended shelf develop semi-finished products — 12 months at 18…20°С and humidity above 75%.

Prospects for further research is to develop new technologies dessert products with the use of protein-vegetable semi-finished products.


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