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Current conditions of society require new approaches to education in higher educational school, which would meet European standards and meet the needs of customers of educational services and society in general. Art Education is recognized as one of the world’s available. “Culture and art – is the most important component of a comprehensive education that provides the full development of the individual. Therefore, the right to arts education is a universal human
rights …” [6, p. 8].

The modern European society considers teacher of physical education not only as a professional that has the knowledge and skills in the professional sphere, and more as a specialist in health promotion, valeological attitude towards their health, as a person who raises children and motivation classes to teenagers motor activity and involves them in various sports [2].

One of the necessary preconditions for the successful implementation of a teacher of physical culture of their professional duties is to provide a decent standard of its training in pedagogical universities. To be able to effectively improve the process it is important to clearly define the prospects for further development of vocational training of future teachers of physical education. It is important to consider that these trends are in keeping with the general upgrading of teacher education in general [5]. Ukrainian art education is one of the few industries freely convertible in European and global educational space. The main objectives of which are: achieving universal aesthetic education and art education for all children from age. Also, according to modern concepts, the purpose of education is the comprehensive development of the child because of its age and individual capacity while maintaining and enhancing health [4]

Today, unfortunately, the place of formation and education of the child’s health conscious, responsible attitude to the preservation and promotion of health is not a family where parents often lack the experience, not medical institutions for illness and sick children and the education system. The purpose of modern education is to provide not only educational, but also Health Savings effect: the preservation of optimal functional state of the resistant level of efficiency of students.

About 75% of diseases in adult artists are the result of life in children and youth. Over 12 years in children deteriorating health. According to NAMS Ukraine, the incidence of school-age children in the last ten years has increased by almost 27%. Thus, in the first class already has more than 30% of children with chronic diseases, by fifth grade, their number increases to 50%, reaching 64% in the ninth. In general, only 7% of Ukrainian students observed satisfactory functional condition of the body.

In art schools of Ukraine according to official statistics trained more than 300 thousand. Students and a contingent of students each year increases. The system of education in pre-professional training and secondary education Culture is represented by 6 specialized schools (boarding schools), namely: Kyiv Specialized Secondary Music boarding school named after M.V. Lysenko, Odessa Secondary Special Music Boarding School named after Prof. P.S. Stolyarskiy, Solomia Krushelnytska Lviv Specialized Secondary Boarding Music School, Kharkov Secondary Special Music Boarding School, State Secondary Art School named after Taras Shevchenko, State Specialized Boarding Art School, the “College of Arts in Opishnya”.

Context of Education in Higher Pedagogical School insufficiently adapted to the future needs of students due to lack of an integrated system of education. We believe it is important to take account of the higher education aspects of educational activities to ensure implementation of individual and creative abilities of students to create Health Savings environment in secondary schools, and especially in schools and pre-professional training of secondary education that art schools.

Research on this subject, experience teaching higher education institutions that preparation specialists in physical education and sport, own observations show a contradiction between the actual level of training future teachers of physical training in the creation and requirements for their professional skills, including expertise in creating health savings environment in the schools of arts; between the needs of society in raising pupils’ health and lack of Schools of Art is developed health savings environment, a culture of health conditions in schools of arts; further deterioration of health among school youth art schools and insufficient use of health technologies, advanced techniques of rational learning through lack of training teachers of physical education and education in general. I mean most importantly — the health of children, it is difficult to ignore the fact that the majority of children leaving school with a variety of diseases that are formed during their training.

At this stage, the concept of health problem and are considered on an interdisciplinary level. The phenomenon is studied health physicians, psychologists, philosophers, educators, sociologists.

Children age – this is the stage of life that has the greatest potential for intellectual and physical development. However, the health of children and adolescents Ukraine today is of serious concern. Noteworthy is the fact that today school makes significant demands on the child, who often do not meet the physiological capabilities of the child. Increased, emotional, nervous and mental load on the central nervous system as a result. At the same time, a decrease in physical activity of children and violations of their labor and recreation. Scientists note weakening of medical and pedagogical support schools, especially little attention is paid to the prevention of diseases and health of children. At the same time, educational activities, studies show, for the most part is not adapted to the peculiarities of modern and state of health of students. Teachers not prepared to work on forming and maintaining the health of students. The passive attitude of the children themselves, their parents about their own health are saved.

The researchers note that dominated violation of the musculoskeletal system (spine lesions in the form of posture and scoliosis, foot arch pathology – flat) – was diagnosed in 71.8% of children. A large group of diseases (47.9%) children are lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions recorded of children 25%. Moreover, the condition worsens with age and this background of an increasing number of chronic diseases.

According to the literature, in Ukraine deteriorating health of school children accompanied by an increase their of functional disorders, including autonomic dysfunction (VD), observed in 20% of the general population of children and stored in 33% of adolescents. It is known that various functional disorders of organs and systems of children, including autonomic, is not only risk factors for the formation of somatic pathology, but also factors that affect their physical and mental development, especially in primary school children is the result of interaction biological, psychological and social factors [4].

Professional training of future teachers of physical education involves the formation of graduates’ preparedness to sports and recreation activities with students of secondary schools and creative problem solving Health-education [3].

The issue of advanced techniques for finding the most efficient learning and development standards of physical activity in physical education classes, which should be based primarily on children’s health and performance capabilities of their child’s body to perform, given the results of mandatory medical preventive examinations of children.

The formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active personality that combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection – one of the main tasks.

Physical education should be based on the latest achievements of the science of physical development rights. This approach involves improving organizational requirements for mass physical culture and improving the quality of teacher impact. A special role should be belong teacher of physical culture, which must have high professional knowledge and skills and the necessary properties of personality and character. [4]

The quality of training of future teachers of physical culture in higher education depends on the following conditions: ensuring fundamental vocational education, as well as the potential of the concept of active learning-activity and competence-based approach to vocational education. In particular, one of the factors that extend the capabilities of the professional activity of the future teachers of physical culture, without compromising the quality of training, experience is formed professional creative thinking of students, promotes personal development that helps to develop intelligence to independently obtain and expand the general and professional knowledge being able to see the prospects for future careers and in accordance with that design and implement professional opportunities (7).

Training future teachers of physical culture is a complex multifaceted system aimed at obtaining and sufficient for productive development of professional competence in teaching in higher education and practice.

Formation of high culture of healthy life depends primarily on the education and training of the teacher who must educate students would feel the need to lead a lifestyle that would have aroused concern in their society and state initiated right thinking and decent behavior in daily life. In other words – the main goal of this training is to develop knowledge and skills for the preservation and promotion of health. Therefore, one of the main aspects of physical education should be the formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle, because health — is not only the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. A basic principle – recreational, research and health promotion against a background of common problems [3].

Culture and art – is the most important component of a comprehensive education that provides the full development of the individual.

Thus, in our view health savings environment in art schools formed over time, according to the age characteristics of children and their future profession in network primary specialized art schools (music, dance, art, choir, etc.). It should produce the behaviors to ensure the formation of a new type of man – a man of culture media and health culture that understands the value of life, the need to preserve the health, education harmonious person who is able to master the ideas of cultural coexistence of nature and society and should receive arts education.

We believe that health savings environment in art schools must solve the following problem: compensation sedentary lifestyle pupils; introducing them to some of the sport; development of basic motor skills (agility, endurance, coordination, etc.) students acquainted with basic sanitary systems and methodologies; receiving skills quickly switch from one activity to another; students obtain skills security, primary medical knowledge; warning of a «school-related diseases are not only learning, but also the future of professional specialization»; formation in learning the full moral, mentally, physically and psychologically healthy personality.

To improve the professional context of training future teachers of physical culture to create health savings environment in art schools should:


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  6. Road Map for Arts Education. The World Conference on Arts Education: Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century. Lisbon, 6–9 March 2006. – UNESCO. – 2006. – 26 p. Access: . php-URL_ID=30335&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
  7. Svatyev A. The features of preparation of future specialists of physical education and sport to professional activity in higher educational establishments. Pedahohika formuvannya tvorchoyi osobystosti u vyshchiy i zahal’noosvitniy shkolakh. Zaporozhye. 2014. Vol. 35(88). Pp. 519-525.[schema type=»book» name=»PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT PREPARATION OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE TO CREATE A HEALTHY SAVINGS ENVIRONMENT IN THE SCHOOL OF THE ARTS» author=»Omelchuk Olena, Sushchenko Ludmila » publisher=»БАСАРАНОВИЧ ЕКАТЕРИНА» pubdate=»2017-06-09″ edition=»ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ СОЮЗ УЧЕНЫХ_ 30.12.2014_12(09)» ebook=»yes» ]

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