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Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences.

Deadline for submission of articles: until the 7th day of each month (inclusive)

Release date of the online version: 15th day of each month

Name of the journal: Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences.

Journal series published: since 2021

Frequency: 12 times a year (monthly)

ISSN: 2782-246X

DOI: 10.31618 / 2782-246X

Edition version (carrier): online (network) edition.

Publisher: LLC “Logic +”

Address: 198320, St. Petersburg, Krasnoe Selo Town, Geologicheskaya 44 Street, Building 1, Litera A.

Current issue: Articles are accepted daily. To apply for the publication of our research, you must fill out the author’s form (link to the form) or send a letter to the editorial office of the journal’s website indicating the thematic series and attaching the text of the article, which must be formatted in accordance with the journal’s requirements. Articles in Russian and English are accepted for publication.

The journal is published with the assistance and support of the ANO Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis and Psychological and Social Technologies (Moscow).

Previously unpublished scientific articles in the following scientific areas are accepted for publication:

05.00.00 technical sciences

01.00.00 physical and mathematical sciences

“Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences” is scientific periodical, consisting of two sections. The journal invites for publication specialists in the area of technical, physical and mathematical sciences, who can place review articles and various research material in it, corresponding to the profile of the publication, and having value for modern science. The author’s team of the publication is graduate students and applicants, employees of research institutes and university teachers, engineers and heads of enterprises. Students and undergraduates can publish their work in collaboration with their supervisor.

Journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences” accepts for publication quality materials that do not have plagiarism and are relevant to the time. The publishing house’s up-to-date scientific data help scientists from Russia and abroad to exchange scientific experience, provide students and applicants with up-to-date information to build an experimental plan and expand their understanding of the vector for the development of scientific thought in the area of mechanical engineering, traditional and alternative energy, metallurgical and chemical industries, mining and transport engineering, materials science , construction and architecture, light industry, mathematical modeling of various processes, advanced computing devices and other areas. Cooperation with an authoritative scientific publication has a positive effect on the publicist’s image, helps in the creation of reporting documentation, successful accreditation and preparation of a bibliography for the defense of a dissertation.

Journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: technical, physical and mathematical sciences” has the ISSN code. Publications are assigned a DOI. The site of online edition has an archive with previously published works for review and permanent work with them. The editorial board ensures the selection of articles for publication according to the decision of the reviewers and checks for plagiarism.

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