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Georgia is rich of fresh water resources although water quality in water surface media does not corre- spond to European regulations. The main reason for this is untreated sewage waters causing collection of large amount of biogenic materials that determines ac- tive growth (eutrophication) seaweeds. This process is accompanied by oxygen exhaustion and destruction of water ecosystem. [5-10]. Such wastes as domestic con- suming, industrial and rain waste waters, pesticides , that occur in water due to irrigation of agricultural lands, influence chemical as well as bacteriological contents of the water.[1.7.8] Chemical substances, ac- cumulated in basins, might cause negative ecological changes. Micro flora and in particular eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic microorganisms sensitively reacts to such ecological changes. Thus, the microbiological characteristic of the river Alazani and its Ichthyofauna is very topical. [9]

Material and Methods

Research sample was taken within the period of July-August. The research object were the river Alazani water and gills and skin of one of the dominant repre- sentative fish “barbel”. Sample collection, preparation and analysis were performed by microbiological meth- ods, that are accepted in ichthyopathology and sanitary microbiology. Organs and tissues were inoculated in selective growth medium [4] for qualitative and quan-titative analysis. Quantitative measurement of fish mi- crobial contamination (bacterial fib ration) was per- formed by the combination of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria by MAFAB R method. [2] . Total bacteriological pollution was measured by the amount of grown colonies, the formation unit of which was (gce) per 1 gr organ. [3-6-11]

Discussion of the obtained results

Obtained data proved that fish micro flora studied by us reacts to the river abiotic, biotic and anthropo- genic processes. According to the obtained data 24 fam- ilies of microorganisms were isolated: Aeromonas, Acidovarax, Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Candida, Citrobacter, Clostridium, Flavobacterium, Klebsiella, Micrococcus, Moraxella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Rhodotorula, Roseomonas, Serratia, Staphylococcus, Vibrio, Yersinia.

Ichthyofauna micro flora is closely related to wa- ter bacterial pollution, and their amounf in fish could be changed even when reservoir micro biocenosis content is stabile. Although, in the barbell micro flora the fol- lowing aerobic gram negative microorganisms were al- ways stably observed: Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Clostridium, Micrococcus

As it is known, temperature factor activates and decreases the growth of micro flora that determines sea- sonal dynamics in bacterial population. E.G. In autumn in Alazani barbell gills and on the skin the following microorganisms Aeromonas, Bacillus, Clostridium, Pseudomonas, were identified. However it mostly was contaminated by Aeromonas hydrophila and A.caviae- species. Seasonal dynamics of enterobacterial contam- ination increased in summer months and reached 23%. The presence of enterobacteria in Alazani water is de- termined by anthropogenic contamination of the water: household sewage and wastewater, whilst seasonal in- crease is related to water warming in summer period. As a result of regional study, Alazani water was mostly contaminated by sulfitreducing clostridia that is an in- dicator of fecal contamination. On the oplural gills and skin of the caught fish contamination was mostly ob- served in Shakriani and Gurjaani app. 103-104 gke/g in 2014, rather than at Akhmeta and Artana. The increase of fseudomonadas was also observed in winter, that could be explained by the stability of temperature mode. In winter the following species of psykhrophilic microorganisms: Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Microccocus, Pseudomonas were identified.

The main criterion for fish flash quality indicator is total amount of mesophilic aerobic and facultative microorganisms. Obtained results proved seasonal changes for no more 5-104 gce/g of these microorgan- isms in fish skin and gills, that is an indicator not only of seasonality but ecological condition of the water as well.

According to the observation was have estab- lished that the contamination on barbell skin and gills in Alazani water at Shakriani and Gurjaani in July-Au-According to the indices microorganism contamination has undulating character. From Autumn the contamina- tion is close to norm, that cannot be said about summer period. Regional changes were also observed, e.g. it is quite

High at Shakriani than at Akhmeta and Artana, that was likely encouraged by anthropogenic influence and water high temperature in summer.


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[schema type=»book» name=»MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ALAZANI RIVER BASIN AND ITS ICHTHYOFAUNA» description=»Georgia is rich of fresh water resources although water quality in water surface media does not corre- spond to European regulations.» author=»Gogi Jikia, Zurab Lomtatidze, Marine Nikolaishvili, Lali Koptonashvili» publisher=»ЕСУ conference» edition=»journal 30″ ebook=»yes» ]

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